The Ramen Shop Shirt - Black [Pre-Sale]
Every shirt sale provides a free meal to someone in need
Collecting Shirt Orders through February, Printing and Shipping in March.
Printed on Comfort Colors® Heavyweight Ring Spun Tee 1717 [Black]
Every shirt sale provides a free meal to someone in need
Collecting Shirt Orders through February, Printing and Shipping in March.
Printed on Comfort Colors® Heavyweight Ring Spun Tee 1717 [Black]
Every shirt sale provides a free meal to someone in need
Collecting Shirt Orders through February, Printing and Shipping in March.
Printed on Comfort Colors® Heavyweight Ring Spun Tee 1717 [Black]
The Ramen Shop is a one-of-a-kind soup kitchen serving the community of Sequim, Washington. Everything is by donation, which means that members of the neighborhood come to eat a delicious lunch whether they can afford to pay or not.
It has been such a joy to see this service thrive, witnessing and partaking-in a beautiful social display of helping one another while spending time together. The Ramen Shop brings in people from all walks of life, and the donation system’s success has shown that we can make meaningful impacts in our communities when we break bread together.
I also personally have enjoyed donating my time and art painting exterior and interior murals at the shop to help draw more attention to its presence.
For every shirt that is sold a donation will be made to The Ramen Shop that will cover a free meal for someone in need.